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Get to Know Me

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We all know one of Those people – you know what I mean; Those people who’s friends just talk to, unburden on, ask for their advice and help.  Well, I’m one of Them.  Always have been.  At school – particularly in Chemistry for some reason, you would often find me sitting at the back of class either whispering frantically or passing notes with a friend about Girl Trouble (or something equally earth-shattering).  For those who knew, “Aunty Andrew’s” sessions were a source of amusement.  As I got older, so did the conversations.  At university I was an unofficial counsellor and could frequently be found buried in some corner of the library talking people through their issues.  And I liked it; I’ve always liked helping people – I guess it’s in my blood.  My mother was a Physio and my dad a teacher, so it just made sense.

However, it didn’t seem to matter how much I helped others, I just couldn’t help myself.  Most of my life was a long line of me feeling like a failure, letting myself and those around me down.  I jumped from job to job; either struggling to hold one down, or simply feeling bored, frustrated and convinced that people I worked with didn’t like me, so I would never get promoted.

These feelings worked into my psyche so that I clammed up in interviews, suffered anxiety before meetings – convincing myself I had missed something, or not followed the project brief, done something wrong.

In 2013 I was diagnosed with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder), and I started to understand some of my differences – why I struggled in certain social settings, why I didn’t always “fit in”.  While I was able to go to my workplaces and say “I have this”, it didn’t stop my feelings of ineptitude, and sheer panic around interviews and meetings.
I started working with companies I was employed by to try to get them to become more neuro-diverse friendly, and while great strides were made, my own feelings of self-worth didn’t improve.

I was still helping friends, guiding them through personal struggles, their own insecurities, relationship break-ups and through their own discoveries of neuro-diversity, but I couldn’t get through my own.

Thinking Man on Couch
Water Lily

Then it happened.

A breakthrough.

I was introduced to a new way of thinking.

A little known, but rapidly growing approach to human transformation and potential was introduced to me by a Life Coach, and it changed my life.  I had already thought about leaving my 9-5 lifestyle and to become a coach full-time so I could help more people (and get paid to do so!)

But this new thought revolutionised my life.

My stress is gone.

My anxiety is gone.

This approach I now want to share with you can literally change your life in an instant – one insight is all it takes.

This understanding doesn’t take years of therapy, there are no practices, exercises to follow, just a simple shift in how you think about and view the world.

Seriously, today can be a day that you look back on and think…

“Wow…that’s when everything changed…”

Or it can just be another Tuesday, Wednesday or whatever day of the week it is. Nothing changes. And in the future, you might wonder “What if…”.

So here’s what I suggest…

If you have a niggling feeling that life could be better, in any or all areas, just give me a shot. Give me 20 minutes of your time to see how we can work together. No charge.

All you have to do is click the button below and we’ll get you scheduled in (providing there is availability). I would love to change your life. Forever.

Worst case scenario, if I don’t deliver, you’ve “wasted” nothing but 20 minutes of your time.

Best case, your life changes permanently and you, and those around you will enjoy the benefits.

I believe that, like hundreds of thousands around the world, you’ll be blown away when this understanding is shared with you and you see what you are really capable of…

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